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Patrol Boat 'Cabo Fradera' Coat of Arms
Patrol Boat 'Cabo Fradera' Coat of Arms
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Patrol Boat 'Cabo Fradera' Coat of Arms
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Patrol Boat 'Cabo Fradera' (P-201)

The Commander of the patrol boat “Cabo Fradera” with home port in Tui (Pontevedra) welcomes you to this webpage. She is the only river patrol boat in the Spanish Navy and also one of the oldest in service.

Patrol Boat "CABO FRADERA" - (P-201)
LENGTH 17.85 meters
BEAM 4.2 meters
1 VETUS-MITSUBISHI diesel generator
WEAPONS 2 MG machine-guns (7.62 mm)
SENSORS 1 navigation radar

Her main mission is to patrol the International Section of river Miño in agreement with the provisions of the Border Treaty signed between Spain and Portugal.

Further tasks include:

  • Surveillance and verification of fishing, hunting and sports activities in the International Section of river Miño.
  • Surveillance and control of any activity or construction in the banks of the river which may hinder the seaworthiness and traffic of the International Section of the river.
  • Naval presence and surveillance in that area in order to contribute to the protection of national interests.
  • Collaboration with other State departments with responsibilities in similar activities: search and rescue, drug trafficking, smuggling, illegal migration, fishing surveillance, etc.

The ship is based at Tui Naval Station (Pontevedra).

The patrol boat is named after Corporal Esteban Fradera, a Spanish hero at the battle of Callao. She was built by Bazán in its La Carraca shipyards (Cádiz) between 1961 and 1962. The P-201 was delivered to the Spanish Navy on February 25th 1963. Since then, the ship has been in service and operational carrying out surveillance tasks in the river Miño.

The crew consists of 7 people: 1 officer, 2 NCOs and 4 leading seamen and ratings.

The ship is entrusted with surveillance tasks in the International Section of river Miño for around 140 days a year, particularly between December and April, when the elver and lamprey campaigns are at their peak.


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