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Escuela de Suboficiales (Cádiz)
Escuela de Suboficiales (Cádiz)
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Escuela de Suboficiales (Cádiz)

The Spanish Navy has been conducting several studies on the use of renewable energies in order to significantly reduce the emission of CO2.

Facilities where renewable and alternative energies are being installed or implemented:

- Studies on renewable energies at the Non-Commissioned Officers’ School (heating and hot water).

- Feasibility studies for the installation of a cogeneration plant at the Naval Academy in Marín.

- Feasibility study for the installation solar panels at the Non-Commissioned Officers’ School.

Escuela de Suboficiales (Cádiz)
Escuela de Suboficiales (Cádiz)

One of the most significant initiatives can be found in the ‘Bermeja’ Radio Station near Madrid where the two diesel boilers used for heating and hot water have been replaced by geothermal low-enthalpy systems reducing to zero all CO2 emissions.

The Spanish Navy is currently studying the feasibility of using geothermal energy in the sports facilities of San Fernando (Cadiz).


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