Frigate ‘Méndez Nuñez’ trains Tanzanian seamen and police personnel on maritime security

Monday, February 04, 2013

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Craft training with the Maritime Police of Tanzania
Craft training with the Maritime Police of Tanzania
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Craft training with the Maritime Police of Tanzania
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Training of Tanzanian Navy personnel on MIO procedures

The Spanish Navy frigate ‘Méndez Núñez’ is deployed in the EU operation ‘Atalanta’ against piracy in the Horn of Africa since November 22nd. The warship has collaborated in formation and training activities of personnel from the Tanzanian Navy and Police.

A delegation of 27 people visited the Spanish frigate during a port-call at Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania). They attended a conference and were later trained on MIO (Maritime Interdiction Operations) procedures, diving operations and use of craft in VBSS (visit, board, search seizure) operations like ‘Atalanta’.

A first group was trained on MIO procedures learning different inspection methods, tackling techniques and how to move and proceed inside boarded ships.

A lecture was delivered to a second group on diving operations and the tasks carried out by the frigate divers.

The last group, made up of Maritime Police personnel, attended a conference on lowering and hoisting of craft. An exercise was carried out in Dar Es Salaam dock.


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