Second stage of the Spanish Navy military advice program for the newly created Special Operations Unit in Cape Verde

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

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Urban warfare drills
Urban warfare drills
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Urban warfare drills
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Hostage rescue and VIP protection drills
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Firing exercises

In November 2014 the first stage of a Support Mission to help organize a Special Operations Unit in Cape Verde, concluded after advising and initial training activities.

At present, a Special Naval Warfare Unit (FGNE in its Spanish initials) has just commenced the second stage of the Military Advice program with high level counselling, specialized training and mentoring.

As of January, a Spanish FGNE officer is stationed in that African country as adviser to the National Guard Command on Special Operations issues. He is the liaison officer between the Cape Verde Armed Forces, the Spanish Operations Command and the Special Naval Warfare Unit.

The local Special Operations Unit is scheduled to be fully operational by the end of this year.


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