Minehunter ‘Tajo’ (M-36) to integrate into the SNMCMG-2 in the Mediterranean Sea.

Monday, February 18, 2019

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Minehunter ‘Tajo’ to integrate into SNMCMG-2
Minehunter ‘Tajo’ to integrate into SNMCMG-2
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Minehunter ‘Tajo’ to integrate into SNMCMG-2

Minehunter ‘Tajo’ has just left Cartagena heading for Catania (Italy) to integrate into the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG-2). During this deployment in the Mediterranean Sea, the ship will also provide support to other ongoing international missions like the counter-terrorist operation ‘Sea Guardian’ and the humanitarian operation ‘Sophia’.

The M-36 will participate in four international exercises and will also visit up to eleven ports to underline Spain’s commitment with shared security and collective defense.

SNMCMG-2 is one of four NATO immediate reaction forces which permit the Alliance to intervene in case of possible crisis or conflict. In addition, they also conduct naval presence activities as part of NATO’s cooperative security endeavors showing its coherence and resolve.

The main mission of these Groups is to contribute to keep the Alliance’s ports and naval bases open to shipping, and facilitate the power projection capability of amphibious operations. Their tasks include the detection, identification and destruction of sea mines (bottom and moored mines). Mines are active and inexpensive weapons and there are still old artifacts from past conflicts moored in the bottom of some sea beds.


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