The Spanish Navy celebrates the 30th Anniversary of the Agreement on Defense Cooperation between Spain and the United States of America.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

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Spanish and US military authorities
Spanish and US military authorities
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Spanish and US military authorities
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Flags and ensigns in formation
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The force in formation

Rota Naval Base has hosted the festivities to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Agreement on Defense Cooperation between the Kingdom of Spain and the Unites States of America.

The ceremonies were presided over by Vice-admiral Enrique Torres Piñeyro, Chief of the Bay of Cadiz Arsenal and US Navy Captain Michael McNicholl, Commander of US Naval activities in Spain. They were accompanied by several civilian and military authorities from both nations.

The ensuing parade included members from several Services like an Honors Sapper Company, a Spanish Marine Corps platoon, and a Spanish Air Force platoon from Moron Air Base. US participation included three different platoons from the Navy, Air Force and the USMC.


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