F-100 frigate ‘Méndez Núñez’ to integrate into the USS ‘Abraham Lincoln’ Carrier Strike Group for the first stage of a Cooperative Deployment.

Thursday, January 03, 2019

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The F-104 departs Ferrol to integrate into the ‘Abraham Lincoln’ Carrier Group
The F-104 departs Ferrol to integrate into the ‘Abraham Lincoln’ Carrier Group
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The F-104 departs Ferrol to integrate into the ‘Abraham Lincoln’ Carrier Group
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Cooperative Deployment of the F-104
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Cooperative Deployment of the F-104
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Cooperative Deployment of the F-104

Frigate ‘Méndez Núñez’ (F-104) departed Ferrol towards Norfolk (VA) where she is to integrate into the USS ‘Abraham Lincoln’ Carrier Group. The first stage of the deployment includes a C2X advanced training during the months of January and February intended to effectively integrate all naval units of the carrier group. Once completed, the F-104 will return to her home port in Ferrol.

The second stage of the deployment will commence in April with the Spanish frigate deploying once again to integrate into the US Carrier Group. The integration will conclude in October after having operated in several areas and having circumnavigated the globe.

With the objective of improving the mutual training of both navies and a better knowledge between both nations, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed in August between the Spanish Ministry of Defense and the US Navy for the integration of the frigate ‘Méndez Núñez’ (F-104) into the ‘Abraham Lincoln’ Carrier Strike Group-12 made up of only US warships. This is the fourth time an integration of these characteristics has been arranged.


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