Last deployment of OPV ‘Infanta Cristina’ before being decommissioned.

Monday, September 04, 2023

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Offshore Patrol Vessel ‘Infanta Cristina’ (P-77)
Offshore Patrol Vessel ‘Infanta Cristina’ (P-77)
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Offshore Patrol Vessel ‘Infanta Cristina’ (P-77)

The offshore patrol vessel ‘Infanta Cristina’ (P-77) will be decommissioned next September 30th after 43 years of service in the Spanish Navy. During her last deployment from the 5th to the 20th of this month, the ship will visit the ports of Málaga, Marín (Naval Academy) and Alicante.

In the course of her last mission, a series of ceremonies and acts will be organized as a homage to the more than 1,500 men and women who embarked and served Spain on board this vessel in more than four decades. The Maritime Action Admiral, vice-admiral Alfonso Delgado will embark during the first scheduled transit.

A series of ‘Doors Open’ days will be arranged in each of the ports visited. In Málaga from the 6th to the 8th of September (10.00 – 13.00 and 16.00 to 20.00). The second call from the 11th to the 13th will be the Naval Academy in Marín (NW Spain). The third and last call will be in the city of Alicante from the 18th to the 20th.


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