The Spanish Navy participates in NATO’s Exercise ‘Dynamic Guard’ asserting the commitment of Spain as a loyal partner of the Atlantic Alliance.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

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Participating units in Exercise ‘Dynamic Guard’ in formation.
Participating units in Exercise ‘Dynamic Guard’ in formation.
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Participating units in Exercise ‘Dynamic Guard’ in formation.
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Frigates ‘Méndez Núñez’ and ‘Canarias’.
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Frigate ‘Canarias’ (F-86).
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Frigates ‘Reina Sofía’ and ‘Canarias’ as seen from the AOR Cantabria’s bridge.

Last September 8th, NATO’s exercise ‘Dynamic Guard’ concluded after 5 days of military drills in the Mediterranean Sea.

In this exercise, the frigates ‘Reina Sofía’ and ‘Canarias’, along with the auxiliary oiler and replenishment ship ‘Cantabria’, joined a task group under command of Captain Ernesto Grueso, Commander of the 41st Escort Squadron, subsequently integrating into the Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG-2).

The Exercise was conducted in the Mediterranean Sea and with its participation, Spain underlines its firm commitment with the Alliance’s Defense and Deterrence Policy as an active and reliable partner.

More than 800 people, 5 ships and several aircraft participated in ‘Dynamic Guard’. It was an excellent opportunity to enhance the level of training of the different crews, also increasing the interoperability among NATO units. This training was intended to strengthen the electronic warfare capabilities including the launching of chaff, an essential self-defense maneuver against anti-ship missiles.


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