OPV ‘Furor’ participates in Exercise ‘Dynamic Messenger-23’.

Monday, September 18, 2023

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Exercise ‘DYNAMIC MESSENGER-23’ (DYMS-23).
Exercise ‘DYNAMIC MESSENGER-23’ (DYMS-23).
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Exercise ‘DYNAMIC MESSENGER-23’ (DYMS-23).
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Unmanned vehicles on the deck of OPV ‘Furor’.
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OPV ‘Furor’ (P-46).
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The P-46 as seen from the flight deck.

The offshore patrol vessel (OPV) ‘Furor’ (P-46) has just deployed to Portugal until September 29th to participate in Exercise ‘Dynamic Messenger-23’ (DYMS-23), integrating into her combat system up to 4 unmanned vehicles (UXV), all of them designed by Spanish companies.

Unmanned vehicles are currently considered as one of the ten main disruptive technologies of the 21st century. These vehicles have become a multiplier factor of the capabilities of a Naval Force and an enhancer of the technological superiority in the operations.

The participation of the Spanish Navy in Exercise ‘Dynamic Messenger-23’ is an excellent opportunity to boost the development and use of unmanned vehicles, as it is also a chance to train its units in an area that will include new concepts and technology in multi-domain naval operations.

Thanks to the multilateral cooperation, DYMS-23 is a naval exercise where the Spanish Navy contributes to strengthen NATO’s stance on deterrence and defense, assuring that the maritime component is at the forefront of our technological development.


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