What to see

Imagen de Sala 4
Permanent exhibition

Many of the brightest pages in the history of Spain, and some of the most decisive in the history of mankind, were written on the decks of Spanish Navy ships.

The permanent exhibition of the Naval Museum suggests a journey through Spain’s maritime history from the end of the Middle Ages to the present day, to divulge the contribution of the Spanish Navy to the social, cultural, economic, military and scientific progress of Spain and the world.

In addition to the personalities and milestones of Spain’s naval history, visitors can learn about different types of ships and shipbuilding systems developed throughout history, scientific advances in navigation and related sciences—such as cartography and astronomy—, weapons and equipment used for life on board, Spanish discoveries and expeditions during the Modern Age, and the evolution of the Navy itself over its eight centuries of history.

Interspersed in this historical itinerary, a series of monographic spaces delve into specific aspects concerning the Museum’s rich and diverse collections.

When visitors finish their tour, they will have enjoyed and learnt about a centuries-old nation whose Navy has been at the service of Spain for eight centuries.

Time units

  1. The sea in the dawn of Spain. 13th to 15th centuries
  2. The Age of Exploration. 15th and 16th centuries
  3. Where the sun never sets. 16th and 17th centuries
  4. The foundation of the Real Armada. 18th century
  5. The end of an empire. 19th century
  6. The resurgence of the Spanihs Navy. 20th to 21st centuries

Monographic spaces

  1. Welcome
  2. The golden age of naval shipbuilding in Spain. 18th century
  3. The defence of commercial maritime routes. 16th and 17th centuries
  4. Naval shipbuilding in the age of steam. 1833-1931
  5. Circumnavigating the world's seas

Themed routes

A novel addition to the Museum, its seven themed routes are intended to showcase the evolution of certain aspects of the Museum’s history with a crosscutting approach to give a broader view of its collections. The seven routes are as follows:

  • Eight centuries of History proposes a journey through the main episodes of Spanish naval history.
  • Illustrious Seamen looks at the most prominent seafarers of each era.
  • Naval shipbuilding analyses the evolution of building methods and techniques.
  • Navigation - From Art to Science takes a look at the scientific advances that led to knowledge of the seas and the development of navigation.
  • Naval weapons focuses on the evolution of weaponry throughout the different eras.
  • The Evolution of the Spanish Navy reviews the highlights of the Navy's history as an institution.
  • Cultural exchanges links the connections assembled by the Spanish Navy through contacts with other cultures.





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